Serving the Greater Boston Area and Eastern Massachusetts

Home visits, virtual visits, prenatal classes, support groups, worksite consultations, and clinical staff trainings


My Services

  • Lactation consultations in your home or by live video followed by one week of text, phone, and email support

  • Infant scale rental

  • Private prenatal breastfeeding classes in your home or virtually

  • Group prenatal breastfeeding classes for you, your partner, and other supporters

  • Support Group Meetings

  • Corporate consultations and job site lactation services: understand the law; recruit and retain employees; improve your workplace's lactation environment; prioritize the health of your employees and their families; increase productivity; and boost morale

  • In-house trainings for health care providers and clinic staff; research presentations

  • Mentorship for lactation students

  • Gift certificates for lactation consultations (great baby shower and new baby gifts!)

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Why an IBCLC?

International Board Certified Lactation Consultants are experts in breastfeeding/lactation. We are required to stay up on the science of human lactation, to re-certify every five years, and to sit for IBLCE's exam every ten years. In order to be eligible to sit for the IBLCE exam, we need to complete health science college coursework (my bachelor's degree in nutrition satisfied this requirement), and we are required to have 90+ hours of lactation-specific education and to have counseled several hundred breastfeeding families. My counseling experience came from my time as a public health nutritionist at Women, Infants, and Children (WIC);  as a La Leche League Leader; and as a birth and postpartum doula.

It's said that breastfeeding a baby is the most natural thing in the world, but it doesn't always come naturally. Like many new parents, I experienced a few challenges while breastfeeding my own children. I want to help others avoid or overcome similar difficulties, if possible. The nursing dyad is such a special relationship and I want as many people as possible to get a chance to experience it. Here in America, lactation consultants are often the only health professional visiting a new family in their home, and sometimes we are the only health care worker seeing a new mom in the first six weeks postpartum. 

An IBCLC is a unique professional for your family's unique needs. We are small parts sister, friend, nurse, doula, nutritionist, therapist, parenting coach, biology teacher, and detective! We are an important part of your postpartum support system! 


How I Can Help You

  • Positioning and latching baby

  • Alleviating sore nipples

  • Building and maintaining your milk supply

  • Weighing baby pre- and post-feed with a highly sensitive infant scale

  • Instructions on milk quantity needs for growth

  • Increasing baby’s weight

  • Explaining normal newborn behavior and care

  • Introducing temporary lactation tools and aids

  • Weaning off of a nipple shield

  • Weaning off of formula

  • Exclusive Pumping

  • Introducing solid foods

  • Relieving engorgement

  • Relieving plugged ducts

  • Managing oversupply

  • Nursing during pregnancy

  • Feeding multiples

  • Lactation after breast surgery

  • Preparing to return to work

  • Teething and biting

  • Tandem and toddler nursing

  • Making milk for an adopted baby

  • Re-lactating after milk supply has dwindled

  • Weaning from the breast

  • New parent resources in your community

  • Tethered oral tissues (tongue-tie)

  • Referring you to specialists when needed

  • And so much more!